Quercus camusiae Trel. ex Hickel & A. Camus Fl. Indo-Chine 5: 957 (1929) | |
Infrageneric Classification Subgenus Cerris, Section Cyclobalanopsis | |
Nomenclature Note Basionym: Q. geminata Hickel & A. Camus (1923), nom. illegit. being a later homonym of Q. geminata Small (1897) | |
Description See: Huang Chengjiu et al.., Volume 4 of Flora of China (1999) Page 386 as Cyclobalanopsis | |
Natural Distribution FAR EAST ASIA: CHINA: (SE Yunnan), SOUTH EAST ASIA: VIETNAM (Khanh Hoa Province) | |
Nomenclatural Standard (Cultivar) or Type Type. VIETNAM. Annam [Trung Ky]: ‘‘Pres de Nha-trang, massif de Honba,’’ 1,000–1,500 m, 18–20 Sep. 1918, A. Chevalier 38650 (lectotype: P [P00379252!]; isolectotype: P [P00379253!] | |
On-line Herbarium Specimen Lectotype: P00379252 | |
Synonyms in this Database Quercus geminata Hickel & A. Camus (1923) nom. illegit. |
(Hardÿ & Lamant) Guide illustré des Chênes (2006) Volume 1, page 468 |