Report from the Oak ICRA checklist
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Full Name: - Quercus shumardii 'Royal Flush'

Quercus shumardii 'Royal Flush' J. F. Schmidt III Bull. Am. Assoc. Bot. Gard. Arb., 15(3): 70 (1981) Cultivar name has been accepted as Registered
Infrageneric Classification
Subgenus Quercus, Section Lobatae
Nomenclature Note
US Patent granted to J. Frank Schmidt III on 15th November, 1977 without a designated name. Registered cultivar name, See AABGA Bul. 15: 69 (1981)
Description may be found in the on-line patent documentation
Nomenclatural Standard (Cultivar) or Type
United States Plant Patent PP 4149
Main Horticultural References
(Jacobson) North American Landscape Trees, (1996) page 561