Report from the Oak ICRA checklist
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Full Name: - Quercus glauca

Quercus glauca Thunb. (1784)
Infrageneric Classification
Subgenus Cerris, Section Cyclobalanopsis
Common Names in this Database
Infraspecific Taxa Accepted in this Database
Quercus glauca subsp. glauca var. amamiana (Hatus.) Hatus. ex H. Ohba (2006)
Quercus glauca subsp. annulata (Sm.) A. Camus (1938)
See: Huang Chengjiu et al.., Volume 4 of Flora of China (1999) Page 396 as Cyclobalanopsis
See: H. Ohba, Volume 2a of Iwatsuke et al., (eds.) Flora of Japan (2006) Page 52
Natural Distribution
WEST ASIA: AFGHANISTAN, HIMALAYA: INDIA: (Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim), NEPAL, BHUTAN, FAR EAST ASIA: CHINA: (Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, W Sichuan, Taiwan, E Xizang,
USDA Zone 8 to 9
Conservation Status
Rated as Least Concern (LC) in the The Red List of Oaks
Illustration of Leaves
Image from a plant at Arboretum Het Leen Eeklo (Belgium) ©Jan De Langhe, Ghent University Botanical Garden, 2009
Synonyms in this Database
Quercus vibrayeana Franch. & Sav. (1878)
Quercus bambusifolia Fortune (1860) nom. non rite publ.
Quercus lacera Blume (1851)
Quercus vaniotii H. Lév. (1913)
Quercus ichangensis Nakai ex A. Camus (1938)
Quercus repandifolia J. C. Liao (1968)
Quercus globosa (T.P. Lin & T.S. Liu) J.C. Liao (1970)
Hybrids in this Database
Quercus ×yokohamensis (Makino) H. Ohba (2006)
Quercus ×kiusiana (Nakai) H. Ohba (2006)
Main Horticultural References
The European Garden Flora vol. 3 (1989) page 68
The Hillier Manual of Trees & Shrubs, 7th ed. (2002) page 250
Hortus Third (1976) page 934
(Krüssmann) Manual of Cultivated Broad-leaved Trees & Shrubs (in English) vol. 3 (1986) page 88
(Jacobson) North American Landscape Trees, (1996) page 552
(Dirr) Manual of Woody Landscape Plants, 5th ed. (1998) page 825
The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening vol. 3 (1992) page 783
The Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening, 2nd ed. vol. 4 (1956) page 1727
(Bean) Trees & Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles, 8th ed. vol. 3 (1976) page 478
(Bean) Trees & Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles, 8th ed. Supplement (1988) page 410
Recent Monograph References
(Menitsky) Oaks of Asia (2005) page 253
(Hardÿ & Lamant) Guide illustré des Chênes (2006) Volume 1, page 530