Quercus sarahmariae Nixon & Barrie Novon 25(4):444-450 (2017) |
Infrageneric Classification Subgenus Quercus, Section Lobatae |
Etymology Quercus sarahmariae is named in honor of the daughter of the senior author, Sarah Maria Nixon. |
Natural Distribution CENTRAL AMERICA: COSTA RICA |
Nomenclatural Standard (Cultivar) or Type TYPE: Costa Rica. Puntarenas: P.I. La Amistad, foothills of the Cordillera de Talamanca, Sito Coto Brus, ca. 8.59°N, 82.46°W, 1800–1900 m, montane oak forest, 3 Sep. 1983, G. Davidse 24503 (holotype, MO!; isotype, CR not seen) |