Report from the Oak ICRA checklist
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Full Name: - Quercus honbaensis

Quercus honbaensis H.T. Binh, Tagane & Yahara PhytoKeys 95: 37–70 (2018)
Infrageneric Classification
Subgenus Cerris, Section Cyclobalanopsis
Nomenclature Note
Named after the type locality, Mt. Hon Ba in the Hon Ba Nature Reserve, Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam.
Similar to Q. langbianensis but differing in shorter petioles, extra secondary leaf veins, and obconical (versus cup-shaped) cupules. Known only from the type locality.
Natural Distribution
VIETNAM: Khanh Hoa Province: Hon Ba Nature Reserve
Nomenclatural Standard (Cultivar) or Type
VIETNAM. Khanh Hoa Province: Hon Ba Nature Reserve, evergreen forest along river, 12°07'22.79"N, 109°00'13.29"E, alt. 225 m, 24 Feb. 2014, Toyama H., Dang V Son., Tagane S., Fuse K., Yahara T., Nagamasu H., Hop Tran V1378 (holotype: KYO!; isotypes: FU!, V