Report from the Oak ICRA checklist
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Full Name: - Quercus pacifica

Quercus pacifica Nixon & C.H. Mull. (1994) nom. cons. prop. in prep.
Infrageneric Classification
Subgenus Quercus, Section Quercus
Common Names in this Database
Nomenclature Note
A later homonym of Q. pacifica Knowlt. (1900). Nixon's name needs to be proposed for conservation.
See: Nixon, Volume 3 of Flora of North America (1997) Page 491
Natural Distribution
USA: (California: Santa Catalina Isle, Santa Cruz Isle, Santa Rosa Isle)
Conservation Status
Rated as Vulnerable (VU) in the The Red List of Oaks
Illustration of Leaves
Image from a plant at the Sir Harold Hillier Gardens (UK) ©Jan De Langhe, Ghent University Botanical Garden, 2009
Hybrids in this Database
Quercus ×macdonaldii Greene & Kellogg (1889)
Recent Monograph References
(Hard˙ & Lamant) Guide illustré des Chęnes (2006) Volume 2, page 272
(Heathcoat Amory) The Oaks of Chevithorne Barton (2009) page 140 illustrated page 141 (leaves)