Quercus texana 'New Madrid' Jablonski Beitr. Gehölzk. 2007: 177 (2007) |
Infrageneric Classification Subgenus Quercus, Section Lobatae |
Nomenclature Note First recognized ca. 2000, named, introduced and registered by Guy Sternberg, Starhill Forest Arboretum, Illinois, USA, April, 2008. |
Natural Distribution From cultivation |
Nomenclatural Standard (Cultivar) or Type Harold Hillier Herbarium 5862 HILL |
Standard Image | | Photograph by Brian Pancott for the Sir Harold Hillier Gardens | |
Synonyms in this Database |
Main Horticultural References(Grimshaw & Bayton) New Trees (2009) page 753 with photograph of young leaves, page 754 |
Recent Monograph References |